Create a habit by pairing it with a favorite activity

This is an enjoyable way to form a habit:

When you adapt your daily planning, let that be reflected in your calendar.

Give every euro/dollar a job!

I sometimes miss a workout. There, I said it.

Two things are true in parenting all the time. I can be frustrated and grateful at the same time.

I wouldn’t exactly call this meal prep, but WE MADE SUSHI!!! It was delicious… 😋

This past Thursday (the 17th) was William’s 3rd birthday! 😍 Happy birthday to our little (not so little), kind of big boy!

“Doesn’t budgeting take very long, too long to be worth it?”

I often get asked how much time budgeting takes, realistically speaking. The short answer is that it takes an amount of time that is totally worth it given the money it will save you and the peace of mind it will buy you.

I answered the question practically by breaking down my budgeting routine:

Some more thoughts from this week:

A hierarchy of priorities can help resolve conflicts in the heat of the moment and help you choose wisely.

Create a habit by using accountability.

I prioritize sleep (because it makes everything better), and I often adapt my daily planning according to my sleep needs.

Two things are true: I’m nervous, and I’m excited.

William’s favorite outing: a trip on the train!

We are doing meal prep, and these are William’s lunches for the week (Monday-Wednesday).

“Even when you make a mistake, you’re still a good person”

Back in high school, one of our teachers always said, “Even when you make a mistake, you’re still a good person.” I thought it was funny back then, but I’ve been thinking about this for years.

Here are some other thoughts from this week:

I use my calendar to make my priorities clear and tangible:
Money in budgeting is like time in time management: you have a finite amount of each, and you need to choose how you spend your resource.

Motivation is overrated. If you want to change your behavior, create/modify habits instead.

People think I’m super organized, which is partially true, but I’m also flexible with my daily planning.

Sunday meal prep:

Family hike!

Why planning needs to be flexible

Happy Friday! Here is what I shared this week:

Let’s review our priorities and plan our week accordingly.

Budgeting is all about respecting your priorities.

If you want to change your behavior, change your habits.

Planning in real life must be flexible.

“This feels hard because it is hard.”

I hope you enjoy these thoughts, and have a good weekend!